It’s been a pretty slow week for me. I did something weird to my shoulder this past weekend and I’ve been sidelined for the last couple of days. My week has basically consisted of heating pads, ice packs, and Aleve.
Other than that, I’ve been hanging out online: pinning, posting and planning a spread of appetizers for Super Bowl Sunday.
Although I’ve been under the weather, I definitely haven’t been under a rock – I’ve heard the news that Beyonce and Jay Z are expecting twins!
I love her colorful maternity photos. Several of the photos from her shoots bear a striking resemblance to classic paintings (think: Michelangelo’s Venus Reclining with Cupid or Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus). It kind of feels like she’s hiding her next visual project in plain sight. While some folks think the photos look like a “tacky JC Penney photo shoot” (that’s a direct quote from social media), the reality is that tightening the photo crops elevates the aesthetic and gives the photos a vibrantly cohesive look and feel. Beyonce may just have something else up her sleeve. I’m just saying.
Also, I am secretly wishing that Beyonce hops on stage with Lady Gaga at the Super Bowl halftime show to perform “Telephone”. Crossing my fingers.
That sums up my World this week – tell me about some of the “Good Stuff” that happened during your week.
GOOD STUFF! showcases a few of the “good” things I enjoy during the week. You can find more “GOOD STUFF” here.