by Tracey-Renee | Jan 18, 2017 | Journal, Music, Playlist
It feels good to start the new year with a clean slate and fresh plan for what I want to accomplish during the year. It’s nice to be able to pace myself throughout the year instead of being anxious about getting started and then trying to sprint a marathon the...
by Tracey-Renee | Jan 16, 2017 | Journal, Life, Monday Motivation
It’s Monday! I am inspired my Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as we celebrate his legacy today. Many of us have big dreams, but it’s the execution that distinguishes the dreamers from the doers. When I am excited about a new project but feeling overwhelmed...
by Tracey-Renee | Jan 13, 2017 | Good Stuff, Journal, Life
It’s Friday! How are y’all feeling? This week flew by super fast – it was a lot of long conference calls, a flurry of emails and responding to a few post-holiday urgent requests. Things have been busy. I’ve been so wrapped up in work that I...
by Tracey-Renee | Jan 9, 2017 | Journal, Life, Monday Motivation
It’s Monday! Last week still felt like the tail end of the holiday season to me – this week it really feels like its time to hit the ground running. I am always inspired by colorful and creative work spaces. I like to switch things up and have new scenery...
by Tracey-Renee | Jan 6, 2017 | Good Stuff, Journal, Life
It’s Friday y’all! How’s the new year going for you so far? It feels good to be off to a fresh start this week. I always like to start the new year by cleaning my home, smudging, washing all the laundry, and getting everything organized. Digitally, I...