by Tracey-Renee | Dec 16, 2016 | Good Stuff, Journal, Life
It’s Friday, how are y’all feeling? I just wrapped up my last client project for the year and I’m feeling pretty good. I am enjoying a little quiet time before the inevitable holiday season weekend whirlwind begins. For the next few hours I...
by Tracey-Renee | Dec 13, 2016 | Journal, Music, Playlist
2016 has been a busy, hectic year of transition – I am excited about turning the page and starting 2017 rested and refreshed! As I am wrap up my final projects of the year, I’ve been spending lots of late nights in the studio. Here are a few of the songs...
by Tracey-Renee | Dec 12, 2016 | Journal, Life, Monday Motivation
It’s Monday! This week I am inspired by the sweet taste of success. It feels good to be in the home stretch of a very challenging year. I have some loose ends to tie up for a client and after that’s finished I will spend the last few weeks of the year...
by Tracey-Renee | Dec 9, 2016 | Good Stuff, Journal, Life
It’s Friday, how are y’all feeling? I’m feeling good! It was announced yesterday that the 2017 Pantone Color of the Year is Greenery – love it! Green is my favorite hue and the tongue-in-cheek Pantone color name makes it even better! I just...
by Tracey-Renee | Nov 28, 2016 | Journal, Life, Monday Motivation
It’s Monday! Well, actually it’s Cyber Monday. I didn’t do Black Friday this year and I don’t plan on getting down with Cyber Monday either. I had an extremely relaxing holiday weekend because I kept things simple and did what came naturally...