by Tracey-Renee | Feb 1, 2017 | Design, Journal
I know we live in a digital World, but nothing beats the feeling of curling up with a cup of tea and turning the glossy pages of a fashion magazine or flipping through the textured matte pages of an artsy periodical. I’ve risked missing numerous flights because...
by Tracey-Renee | Jan 30, 2017 | Journal, Life, Monday Motivation
It’s Monday…and it’s almost February! How are you feeling about your New Year’s resolutions as January comes to a close? Are you as optimistic and motivated as you were on January 1st? Hopefully you haven’t lost focus of your goals...
by Tracey-Renee | Jan 27, 2017 | Good Stuff, Journal, Life
It’s Friday! How are y’all feeling? This week has been busy…in the best way possible. I had a tight deadline to turn around a major project that was slightly out of my comfort zone. It was the kind of opportunity that, despite being a little...
by Tracey-Renee | Jan 23, 2017 | Journal, Life, Monday Motivation
It’s Monday! The farewell to The Obamas, the inauguration of the “new guy” (side eye) and the protest marches across the country made this past weekend pretty intense. The recent political landscape serves as a backdrop that’s ripe for activism...
by Tracey-Renee | Jan 20, 2017 | Good Stuff, Journal, Life
It’s Friday! How are y’all feeling? The work week isn’t done for me yet, but I am taking a quick break to post about some of the “good stuff” that I’ve enjoyed so far this week. I had an amazing time attending the San Francisco...