GOOD STUFF: 4.28.17
It’s Friday! How are y’all feeling?
I had a late night yesterday so things are going a little slow today, but I am feeling great! Yesterday evening I went to the Anthony Hamilton concert and the show was amazing; I am still feeling the energy today. Anthony Hamilton has an incredible voice and an incomparable stage presence. When you pair his musical gift with the talent of The Hamiltones you end up with and outstanding show. It was amazing and, by far, the highlight of my week.

It kind of feels like April Fool’s “Day” has lasted the entire month this year.
Despite all the mishaps and “WTH” moments, I’ve stayed focused and kept things moving forward. Sometimes all you can do is brush the dirt off your shoulders, laugh and get lost in some good music. Here are some of the songs that have been in heavy rotation in the design studio:

It’s Monday!
I can’t believe that it’s already the last week of April. Every year at this time (like clock work) my wanderlust kicks into high gear. I love traveling, experiencing new cultures and learning new languages. As a creative professional there is nothing more inspiring than having the opportunity to see things from a new perspective; travel provides the ideal opportunity to do precisely that.

GOOD STUFF: 4.21.17
It’s Friday! How are y’all feeling?
Overall, I’ve had a busy (but fun) week. I had quite a few late nights at my desk, I did lots of client calls and submitted a couple proposals for new projects that will push me slightly out of my comfort zone.
Hearing that Barkely Hendricks passed but a damper on the earlier part of my week. I love his work – it looks the way Marvin Gaye’s “I Want You” album sounds.