GOOD STUFF: 3.31.17
It’s Friday…and what a week it’s been!
I’m brewing my afternoon cup of tea and mapping out a strategy for learning as much as I can about leather before next Thursday. One of the things I love best about my job is that I am continuously learning about diverse and interesting things. Whenever I take on a new project I immerse myself in that industry (or demographic) so that I can design from the most authentic perspective as possible.

“March comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb”
I’m not sure where that quote originated, by this month has definitely been transformative and tumultuous. There have been plenty of highs and lows with respect to everything from the weather (epic floods and then picture perfect sunny days) to new projects coming across my desk (things being on hold “indefinitely” only be given the green light a few days later). It’s been a bumpy ride, but at the end of the day it’s all good.

Well, my Monday Motivation post is going up on a Tuesday this week.
Lately, I’ve been thrown more than my fair share of curve balls. It feels like April Fool’s Day came early…and the joke’s on me. Luckily, I’m the type who’s not afraid to join in the laughter. Despite the unexpected twists, I’ve connected with some amazing clients and sent out some exciting proposals.

GOOD STUFF: 3.24.17
It’s Friday, and the weather is gorgeous here in San Francisco!
Earlier this week I was emailing back and forth with a client confirming the time and date for a meeting when I received an unexpected response.
“I’m using my boat as a lab/office these days, up at The Embarcadaro. Thursday looks to be sunny – let’s meet there”.