by Tracey-Renee | Dec 19, 2016 | Journal, Life, Monday Motivation
It’s Monday! This week I am inspired by “wrapping things up”….or in some cases not “wrapping things up”. Are you ready for the holidays? Are all your gifts wrapped and under the tree or near the menorah? Don’t worry mine...
by Tracey-Renee | Dec 16, 2016 | Good Stuff, Journal, Life
It’s Friday, how are y’all feeling? I just wrapped up my last client project for the year and I’m feeling pretty good. I am enjoying a little quiet time before the inevitable holiday season weekend whirlwind begins. For the next few hours I...
by Tracey-Renee | Dec 13, 2016 | Journal, Music, Playlist
2016 has been a busy, hectic year of transition – I am excited about turning the page and starting 2017 rested and refreshed! As I am wrap up my final projects of the year, I’ve been spending lots of late nights in the studio. Here are a few of the songs...
by Tracey-Renee | Dec 12, 2016 | Journal, Life, Monday Motivation
It’s Monday! This week I am inspired by the sweet taste of success. It feels good to be in the home stretch of a very challenging year. I have some loose ends to tie up for a client and after that’s finished I will spend the last few weeks of the year...
by Tracey-Renee | Dec 9, 2016 | Good Stuff, Journal, Life
It’s Friday, how are y’all feeling? I’m feeling good! It was announced yesterday that the 2017 Pantone Color of the Year is Greenery – love it! Green is my favorite hue and the tongue-in-cheek Pantone color name makes it even better! I just...
by Tracey-Renee | Nov 28, 2016 | Journal, Life, Monday Motivation
It’s Monday! Well, actually it’s Cyber Monday. I didn’t do Black Friday this year and I don’t plan on getting down with Cyber Monday either. I had an extremely relaxing holiday weekend because I kept things simple and did what came naturally...