It’s Monday! This week I am inspired by “wrapping things up”….or in some cases not “wrapping things up”.

Are you ready for the holidays? Are all your gifts wrapped and under the tree or near the menorah? Don’t worry mine aren’t either.

My holiday shopping list isn’t the only list I am double-checking this time of year; I also use this time to circle back and chart my progress with respect to the goals I set for the year. This is something I do periodically throughout the year so that I can make adjustments and keep things on track. But by the time this late December check-in rolls around, there really isn’t any additional time for adjustments. This is the time of year when it becomes clear which goals will be accomplished in 2016 and which things won’t get done.

Ideally, I’d love to wrap everything up (and mentally tie a bow on it) by the end of the year, but that’s not always the way things shake out. Often, my initial goals gain momentum during the year and blossom into something much bigger than I originally planned. I wish I could put a check of completion next to everything on my goal list at the end of the year; but I don’t want to do so at the expense of rushing something that still needs time to develop to its full potential.

“If you are working on something exciting that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.”

– Steve Jobs

This week I am figuring out which of my goals I will need to extend into 2017 and being honest with myself about why I need to do so.

What’s your plan for the week?

Monday Motivation is a quick mood board that I make to kick-start my work week. You can check out what “motivated” me in past weeks here.


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